Thursday, March 26, 2009

Misc Wildlife Shots & true story

Story: Tyler and Corbin where outside. Corbin come in to inform us that Tyler peed on the slide and then slide down it. I think he wanted to go faster. I ask Tyler if he did this and he confessed and seemed very proud of himself.

Wildlife shots-

This guy was hard to shoot because he kept moving around sporadically.

Looks similar to the gators in Texas.

Baby blue heron?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Air Nautique

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Birds at the chain of lakes

Osprey eating a fish.

Osprey getting away from me.

Cute little bird. ID?
White Ibis.

Monday, March 16, 2009

What is that line?

This picture is from the roof of our house of the recent launch. I cant figure out what would cause the line (from the trees to the smoke). Anna and I both saw it while it was actually launching and we both tried blinking and it would not go away. So that eliminates our eyes and the camera. Any guesses?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Water slide with a slip and slide on the bottom. The boys love it.

Our baby, but not for much longer. Anna's official due date is April 15 but we think it my come earlier.

Friday, March 6, 2009

New Playset

Things get messy fast when all three are helping paint. The playset has been real nice to have around and we don't have to make as many visits to the park.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Family Time

We have been trying to implement more of the spiritual things that we should do each day into our rituals. Tonight we did scripture study, and I decided that each boy should hold the scriptures (even though they can't read them). It was cute, afterwards they played 'I Spy' with the pictures.

As I was trying to get Rylan ready for bed, he put up his usual protest. He hates having his diaper and clothes changed. Unfortunately for us, he likes to get dirty and requires on average about 3 clothing changes each day.
This is Tyler, demonstrating his love of markers. He will write on anything, and I mean anything. Just ask our computer screen and his nose.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

James Bond...