Saturday, May 28, 2011

Just some odds and ends

Since moving here, we don't take as many pictures of the kids...I'll have to do something about that. These were taken on Mother's Day.

Friday we took the kids swimming at the YMCA. It was too cold outside to do anything, unfortunately the pool was also too cold for the littler kids to swim in too.  Poor Merek started the turn purple and couldn't stop shivering. We had to dip him in the hot tub to warm him up, and then get him dressed. So much for swimming. I can't wait for the warm weather to visit this area.  I need to take my kids outside more, I'm sick of being inside.

Merek also used the potty for the first time the other day. He has been taking off his diaper and sitting on the potty a lot, but for the first time, he actually used it. He was so excited.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


This is my last outing with the boys before we moved, KSC Family Day. Brings back memories...

2 months

She is now over 2 months old. I can't believe how time flies. She now weighs 10 lbs, which feels so big to me. She is still well loved by her brothers, and I'm happy to report that she cries much less. She is actually a very happy baby. She has the cutest smile and readily gives it out.

We have been very busy. Tyler and Corbin are both doing baseball and you can find us on the baseball field about 4 days out of the week. I am so happy that the weather has finally started to turn nice. It makes the ball games much more enjoyable to watch. They have both improved a lot, and I look forward to many more years of ball games. This is a sport that has been very good for the boys.

Corbin is almost out of school. I'm still trying to figure out what i'm going to do with them during the summer. Any suggestions would be appreciated...especially from Holly.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Trip to Dads

Here are some water falls that my dad has made.

 The boys loved throwing rocks into the water.

Rylan did a great job repelling.