Friday, April 20, 2012


We are planting a garden this year. It is the first time we have ever planted a garden, and I'm not sure what we are doing, but I saw my mom do it for many years, and it didn't look too hard. I am excited to watch everything grow. The kids are loving it. Here are a few pics of us putting the garden in...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Broken Arm

In case you haven't heard, Madilyn broke her arm on Monday. She fell off of the couch. It's not the first time she has fallen off the couch, but she was really upset about it. After she calmed down I noticed she wouldn't move her arm. It hung limply at her side. She would let me move it without complaint, but she wasn't going to move it. After a few minutes she began moving it, and even picking things up with it. I figured she must have just hurt it, and it was alright??? I kept watching her. I saw that when she fell, she would only put her weight on the right arm to stand up again. I knew something more was wrong, so on Tuesday morning I took her in for x-rays. The doctor was surprised that she was using it like she was. We made an appointment to see the peds ortho for Friday morning. I don't know if she will get a cast or not, but I will post pics if she does...

Sunday, April 8, 2012


This year Merek's birthday happened to be on Easter. We had a family dinner at Mike's mom's house on Saturday. It was a good time. The weather was nice, and the cousins played outside, we ate good food, and had an Easter egg hunt. I don't have pictures of the egg hunt because my photographer disappeared, but I'll try to get some later.

Merek with his birthday cake.
 For the actual day of Easter/Birthday, two of the boys ate too much candy the night before and got sick, so we took it easy at home.

Corbin made a catapult.

Merek climbed into my bed while I was taking a nap, and took a nap with me after getting chocolate  all over the bed.

Madi playing with the chickens in the chicken coupe

The chicken coupe, or the chicken hotel as the neighbor calls it. It is still being built.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Mike had been working so hard on the mother-in-law quarters, that is was almost finished except for the floors, and then one night, he decided he wanted to take out this closet. To be honest, I'm glad, but it will take longer to finish it now. We have bought hardwood floors, and will soon start installing them. It will look so nice when it is done!

Top Shot

During Spring break we took the boys shooting. We have been watching Top Shot together, and they were really excited to shoot a real gun.

What a good dad! They boys had so much fun.