Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sick Kids

Corbin puked all night so he stayed home from school today.The night before Rylan did the same. He started feeling better later on in the day. So this is Corbin giving Rylan a ride on the bike with his favorite blankets.

The clothes hamper has many uses.

Rylan loves showers and baths. If he hears the water running he is ready to climb in.


Leila said...

I love the bath picture. Colleen is a bath-aholic too.

Charlotte said...

What settings did you use on the bath picture? Very cute, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. The setting= manual mode, 17mm, iso 200, 1/15 sec, F5.6. I had a flash in my left hand fire by cactus v2 radio triggers(cheapest triggers out there. Good way to start playing with lighting). Your camera should work with these.