Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Birthday

Today's my 31st birthday.  Thanks to my kids and all my friends, it was a really nice one that I'll always remember. When I got home from work, there was a florist at my front door with a Poinsette from my really good friend Traci.  And then I went inside and found a surprise party waiting for me.  Juliana, Erin and Kayla brought me lunch and made me a cake.  It was so nice to sit and chat with them.  I love good friends. Thanks!  When Corbin got home I was able to open my present, and I love it.  It was an all around good day. (Don't worry Mike, I bought myself a present from you.  It is on it's way to Texas right now.)


Charlotte said...

Happy Birthday, Anna! I've been terrible about remembering birthdays this year and I feel bad about that. I'm glad you have great friends you got to share it with.

Heidi said...

Anna HAPPY BIRTHDAY well better lat then never I gess. Love you and have a grat christmas. I will tray to call soon.

Anonymous said...

Here is another late Happy Birthday wish!!! Glad you have good friends who are there for you. Hang in there! Debbie