Here's a quick update...
Merek got his first tooth last week. He started saying mama two days ago, and he is super cute.
Rylan is doing great at potty training, but I can't keep his underwear on him. Comando
Tyler loves to sing Jesus songs and ABC songs, and doesn't like my music.
Corbin is making strides with his reading skills. Love seeing the changes.
Mike is back in Texas until next month. Sure miss him. This weekend he put texture on the office and hallway, and we partially painted them (ran out of paint.) and he put the new flooring in the office.Still left to do, floors in kitchen, Boys room and my room. No go on the house. Still looking.
I have been notified that Layoffs will occur in May due to lack of NASA budget. Their new budget will go to R&D and we don't do that. The rest of the company is looking at layoffs when we are done flying. Hoping for an extention. We will be moving to texas as soon as I am laidoff.
Kids are going crazy, so this quick update is over!
Thoughts for an old friend
10 months ago
Enjoyed the update. I need to see those boys. I'm way past due. I'm glad you get to see Mike when you can.
I guess I don't get to vacation in Florida anymore!!! But at least I can see Jennifer and family, Michael and family in one trip. When things settle down a little I would like to make a trip.
Holy Moly, Merrik has said Mama! That was a cute update.
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