Merek is walking. I've been ordered to take a video, so someday I'll post that when I take it. He is so funny about it. Still not very sure, so he walks about 4-5 steps, gets down crawls for a couple feet, stands back up and walks 4-5 more steps. He is most likely to walk outside.
I missed a great photo op today. I took the kids to the park, Tyler and Rylan were blowing bubbles (soap kind) with the cutest little girl. They were being so sweet. Rylan did have a major meltdown when I took the bubbles away from him to give back to the little girl. I also got to see Corbin interact with his good friend from school. Very interesting. When he first noticed him, he came straight to me to report that he was there. Then he would run past where his friend was playing. When his friend, Alex, talked to him, Corbin would keep on walking. He kept Alex in his sights. It took about 30 minutes before they started to play together.
Thoughts for an old friend
10 months ago