Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday Merek!

I can't believe he is one already. Time really flies. Merek is such a super sweet baby.  He is always full of giggles and smiles.  He is very independant, and does not what to be held much at all. His favorite thing right now is to climb the ladder to Corbins bed. He giggles the whole way up. He loves to be outside and will crawl to the door and try and open the door knob.  If Opie is on the otherside barking, then he will sit there and bark back at Opie. Right now his only word is mama. I'm sure many more are coming, because he is always chattering at you. He loves his brothers and actually plays with them. He will eat anything that I put in front of him without complaint. When he crawls he doesn't like his knees to be on hard surfaces, so a lot of the time he crawls with his behind in the air.  He has gotten really fast at that method.  He can stand at will anywhere, and does frequently.  He considers stepping, but never does. He only has 4 teeth, and has found many uses for them.



Anonymous said...

He's a cutie! I need to come see him and the rest of the klan. The babies get sweeter and sweeter so you will have more! :]

Charlotte said...

Happy Birthday Merek!

Heidi said...

Happy late Birthday Merek!