Yesterday was our first snow day. We woke up to over 8 inches on the ground. Since no one had to go anywhere, we got up and went shopping for snowboots. After returning home, Mike and the kids bundled up, and went out to make a snowman. Tyler made one by himself, but it fell down. Mike, couldn't just make a normal snowman, he made a gigantic snowman. He used a pair of skis to roll the second section on, but broke them in the process. He got it together. I was at least a foot or two taller than Mike. The kids had a great time running around and throwing snowballs. At the end of the night Rylan came in the house crying because Corbin had hit him with a snowman. I corrected him and told him it was a snowball. He corrected me saying, "no, it was too big. It was a snowman.".
Notice in the picture that Rylan has no gloves on. He refuses to wear his gloves. He takes them off immediantly if we make him put them on. He is one stubborn child.
Today while cleaning house today, the boys were watching a movie. I went into the other room, and when I came back Rylan was gone. I asked where Rylan was. From the kitchen I hear him respond, "I'm makeing a pancake for Merek." He was in the kitchen, had turned on the oven, sprayed the pan, and poured the leftover batter from breakfast onto the pan. I helped him turn on the burner and watched as he made a pancake.
Thoughts for an old friend
10 months ago
I love your family picture in front of the snowman! It looks like a Christmas card. :)
And Rylan? Amazing (and a little scary)!
I miss you guys, great stories and pictures!
You all look good. Love the snowmoster oh the snowman. Kids are funny when it comes to winter clothing. Ash onced was outside with out here bots just sock for 30mins. CRAZY KIDS! Your boys are growing up so fast. He did a grat job on the pancake.
The picture of the family by the snow man is great. You should send up a copy that we can print out.
Only Michael and gang could build that big of a snowman. Glad to see the smiles.
Rylan, come to my house a cook a pancake! Nana
Rylan looks so cute… I cannot believe how he has grown... and now he is making pancakes for his brother. It is amazing… :)
Show looks great, but very cold… :)
Maria from FL
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