Sunday was ward conference. It was a very eventful day for me, thanks to Rylan. Mike had worked the night before, and was lacking in sleep, so I told him to stay home, and I'd take the kids. We got to church a minute late, and sat in the very front, due to lack of seating. Within 5 minutes Rylan was screaming at the top of his voice. I tried to calm him, but it didn't work, so I grabbed him and headed for the hall. On the way out, he screamed at the top of his voice "Mommy, you're hurting me." I left the other three behind. I got him calmed down, and hurried back inside because I had no idea what the others where up to. Once we sat down, he started screaming again, so once again I made the trek out with him screaming that I was hurting him as we went. We got him under control and went in again. Once again, within minutes he was screaming again. This time I decided we weren't coming back, so I grabbed him and Merek and headed for the hall. We sat outside in the chairs, and an older gentleman sat next to Rylan and calmed him down. After a few minutes he was talking and being rather well behaved. We stayed there for a while, but I was worried about the oldest two, because they were still inside by themselves. After the first speaker, I decided to go in one more time. We sat down, and the second speaker, the stake president, started to speak. After a few minutes he looked at me, and said "Sister Hawkins, I don't mean to embarrass you, but I'd like to tell you a story." I was so embarrassed. He told me a really nice story about himself when he was a rowdy little boy, and then he finished his talk. Luckily Rylan stayed quiet and we didn't have to go out again. I was so happy when church was over and I could slip out the back door with the kids. Then on Monday, I received a call from the Stake Relief Society President. She wanted to know if she could come and visit me at my house. She assured me that they visit people randomly, but I'm sure it wasn't so random. She came today, and we had a nice visit, but I sure hope I don't have to relive last Sunday again.
The whole stake knows Sister Hawkins now!
OMG! I am sorry, Anna...
Rylan looks guilty as charged! Very funny... to me.
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