Saturday, November 26, 2011


We put an offer in on this house last month, and someone out-bid us. Friday, we got a call telling us that the other person was  unable to get their financing and it was ours if we still wanted it. We should be signing the contract on Monday or Tuesday. The house is in Nampa near Lake Lowell. It is 3200 sqft. on an acre. It has 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. It should be plenty big for our family.

 Back porch

 Side of house

 Front of house

 Other side

 Front porch

Front porch


 Mother-in-law living room

 Mother-in-law kitchen

Mother-in-law dining room

 Mother-in-law bedroom

 Main living room


 Sun room (those are windows from floor to ceiling on the right)

 laundry room


 ???? room
main dining room


Erin said...

Is this officially your house now?? If so, congratulations! It looks huge - how big is it?

Leila said...

I heard you were making an offer. Is this the one? Is it yours? Inquiring minds want to know. :)

Oh, and if there is a sibling exchange happening this Christmas, we call Richie. We found something this summer that would be perfect for him.

Heidi said...

Wow, we missed a lot. Good luck on the house hunting and if it is it. Lots of rooms that is geat, looks like fun. And Congratulations.

BrianG said...

Great greenhouse and potting room! You could totally grow stuff all winter long in that.

BrianG said...

Your ????room is an attached potting shed.