Mike took the NCLEX on Tuesday. They told him that the results could take up to 48 hours to get in, but they might be there later that night. Starting that night we checked every couple of minutes for the next 36 hours for the results. In case you don't already know, he PASSED! He also flew to St. George to go to his grandpa's funeral on Thursday morning, and I have been alone with the kids since. Did I mention that is has rained non-stop since wednesday. My kids are a little stir crazy. The best thing that has come from this weekend, is that Rylan has finally started saying mommy. He used to call me annie or sometimes daddy.
Corbin and I have been having an unusual conversation. He wanted to know if a muscle could move if it was alive, but not attached to the brain. I told him that electric impulses can cause a muscle to move. So he wanted to know if he hooked a battery up to a muscle, would it move. I told him that he needed the right amount of electricity. He wants to know how much. If anyone knows the answer to this please let us know. Corbin doesn't know why I didn't study this in college. Our discussion then lead into a conversation about CPR. I explained how it works and why we use it. He then told me that it would be better to have two people to do CPR. He thinks that it would work better that way (Smart kid). He then let me know that if someone needed CPR that he would pump the heart and his friend Caden could do the breathing.
Anyways I can't wait until mike comes home tonight.
Thoughts for an old friend
10 months ago
Yeah Mike!!!
Yeah Anna!!!
Let Corbin know that we did a similiar experiment when I was in college using frog muscles...I don't exactly remember the specifics but I beleive you can obtain reactions starting at 10Hz depending on muscle type.
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