For mothers day the kids filled out questionnaires about me in primary. I thought they were funny. This is what they said...
1. How old is your mom? 3
2. How tall is your mom? So tall (raised his hands above his head)
3. How much does your mom weigh? 20 lbs
4. What is your mom really good at? cooking
5. What makes mom happy? giving her hugs
6. What is your mom's favorite food? pizza
7. where is your mom's favorite place to go? the hospital
8. What do you and your mom do together? go to church and the beach
9. what is something mom always says to you? mommy so happy
10. How does your mom make you laugh? play with me
My mothers name is Anna
She has brown hair and brown eyes
My mother is 30 years old
She is prettiest whenever she wears her pretty green shirt
My mother is funniest when she teases me
I like it best when she cooks ravioli
I don't like it when she cooks tomatoes
All day long my mother takes care of my brother
When I am nice,she takes me camping
When I am naughty, she puts me in my room or in my chair
If I could give my mother anything in the world, I'd give her a real pretty soap like a shell
I know my mother loves me because she makes me food
My mom's favorite food is pizza
The best thing about my mom is she is nice to me and she loves me
My mom's dream vacation would be going to grandma's house
The best thing my mom ever did is she takes care of me
My favorite thing to do with my mom is go to Disney World
They gave some interesting answers.
Yesterday Mike jumped out of an airplane (his birthday present). He seemed to enjoy the experience. He said it is a really big high, but you don't realy realize that you are falling until the chute is pulled. They came down really fast. Mike said that they came down is a tight spiral, and considering that they spent all day in the heat, and he hadn't had any lunch, that wasn't the best way to come down. After that we took the kids to the beach. Merek's first beach trip. We had a great time. The water was smooth, and the kids were able to run around with out getting knocked down.
Thoughts for an old friend
10 months ago
Happy Mother's Day, Anna! I love the answers your kids gave, although I think my favorite is that your favorite place to go is the hospital! Ha ha! By the way, I weigh more than you...Aubree said I weigh 24 lbs. :)
I think kids often project their own feelings on their parents.
Otherwise you are a large three year old that loves pizza.
Who knows where the hospital thing came from.
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