Last Friday, Corbin didn't have school, so I took them to Green Meadow's petting farm with some of our friends. They have all kinds of animals that you can hold and pet, and you get to milk a cow, go on a train ride, a hay ride, and pick a pumpkin out of the pumpkin patch. (For non-Floridians, a pumpkin patch here, is a spot where they have spread out pumpkins on the ground. Kind of disappointing.) We had great fun.

This is the hay ride.

The pictures aren't the best. My photographer wasn't around.

Here is Corbin pulling the kids from spot to spot. He is a great helper.

Here's the bug that Corbin caught. He is more into bugs than farm animals.

Today, I turned on the sprinklers because our grass is dying, and Corbin discovered a sprinkler that wasn't working, so he ran and got his spares, and replaced the sprinkler.

After the sprinklers, I cleaned the boys up and they decorated cupcakes and made cards for some of our friends. We didn't make it to everyone's house today, so millers and parhams, we are coming your way tomarrow.
On another note, Rylan used the potty for the first time today. He likes to sit on it, but he finally used it properly. I'm so excited. It's about time to potty train.
Aubree loved that card that you left! Thanks for stopping by.
PS Can Corbin come over and fix our sprinklers? :)
Corbin knows how to fix a sprinkler? And Rylan can use the potty? What's wrong with my kid...
The cupcakes were so yummy! Thank-you!
Good job Corbin. Thanks for helping mommy out. Looks like you guys are keeping busy.
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