As everyone already knows, Mike got a job in Houston. Now the big question is 'what is our plan?' Well here it is...
Mike is going to drive to Texas on Oct. 18th, and stay with his sister, Jennifer, for a little while, while he gets started. I am going to continue to work for now. My boss has agreed to let me work from home part time (USA people, don't spread this please). I have two people that are going to help me with the kids. Nanny #1 is going to come in the morning, and get the kids up, feed them, get them ready, send Corbin to school, and work some educational crafts and activities. I will then come home and feed the kids lunch, and put them down for naps. Then nanny #2 is going to come over and help me clean and cook dinner while I finish up working from home. I am really excited about my help. Without them, there is no way that I could take care of 4 and work. I am hoping that I will still get laid-off, but that is only a hope. In the end, we expect to save a little before I move, so that we can afford to buy a house.
I'll keep you posted on how things are working out...
Oh, Happy Birthday Mia!
Thoughts for an old friend
10 months ago
Anna good luck on the "the plan". I have a question where did you find your nanys?
sounds like life is going to be hard for awhile, good luck. by the way this is rich not B
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