Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Trip to the Doctor

I took Merek to the doctor today because he has a strange rash that is quickly spreading. I tried to take a picture of it, but turns out I can't take macro shots (the camera can, so I have some kind of photographic handicap). He has some kind of strep bacteria that infected his skin.  Kind of wierd, so now he gets his first dose of antibiotics. For the record, he weights 19 lbs 11 oz.

On a side note, my neighbor can open my garage door with his remote.  We found it doesn't work while standing in my garage, but if he walks to his yard, it opens right up.  That'll come in handy if I loose my keys!

Here are some pictures of my life...

Corbin loves to push anything and everything he can.  It is a scary ride!

Rylan rides this thing all over.  He is too little to reach the back of the seat, so he perches himself on the very front to ride it. He is amazing...

This is the before picture...

This is the after picture...

1 comment:

Leila said...

Wow! Love the wood! Hate getting ready to sell - I always ask myself, "why didn't we do this before so WE could live with it?" Oh, well...
No shirts! Lucky boys getting to play outside where it is warm.